BRONZINO Madonna und Kind mit Heiligen NG5280  mit einem teilvergoldeten toskanischem Nussholz Kassettenrahmen, 1. Hälfte 16. Jahrhundert


Madonna with child 


with a partial gilded  early 16th Century Tuscan walnut cassetta frame 


flowers in a glass vase 


with a Dutch 17th Century tortoiseshell and ebony veneered ripple moulding frame 

Louvre under snow 


with a carved and  gilded french 17th century Louis XIII frame 

Since its founding in 1982, Norbert Theiss deals with the trade of high-quality European frameworks of the 16th to 19th centuries in museum quality. He works internationally with galleries, auction houses, collectors and museums together


Norbert Theiss has many years of experience with the revival of high quality paintings in museums.

He has provided and delivered framework, which correspond time and geographically with the relevant plants, but also frames as they used the impressionists and artists of classical modernity.


With the National Gallery in London, he has realized more than sixty reframings with antique frames since 2011.

In addition, there are frames in museums and public and private collections.

Reframing for MORETTO da Brescia  Portrait a young man  NG299

Before: with a carved and partial gilded Sansovino style frame, 19th/20th Century 

After: with a carved and partial gilded Italian 16th Century walnut cassetta frame